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Tarot Forecast for May 2021

Tarot predictions for the month of May 2021. Read on to find out what is in store for your zodiac sign this month.


It’s time for action, drive your plans forward & take new initiatives. There will be new beginnings in the form of a new job or a business opportunity. Your finances will improve, or you will get an opportunity to make more money. Make the most of your skills and talent & capitalise on your strengths to manifest your desires. You will have the resource & will power to accomplish your goals. There is will be happiness and commitment in your relationship. For singles, it’s a great time to meet someone and take the relationship forward.


This month will be all about communication, initiatives moving forward, positive news about love and career. If you had initiated something new, it will pick up the pace, and you will notice progress. There may be a job offer or an opportunity to start a new line of business. However, there is an element of caution- be grounded and practical with money. Your relationship, whether new or established will move forward at a great pace. If you are single, you are likely to meet someone you will instantly fall in love with.


Things are about to change for better. This month brings better physical and spiritual well-being. Your relationship with your partner will get deeper and meaningful. For singles, it is time to let go painful experiences from past relationships, meet new people and open yourself for love. Finances are moving upward, job opportunity and recognition is coming your way. If you have been waiting for a promotion, things are likely to go in your favour.


This month brings better physical and spiritual well-being. It’s time to appreciate everything you have in life, including your family, friends, work, health. Your relationship with your partner will get deeper and meaningful. For singles, it is time to let go painful experiences from past relationships, meet new people and open yourself up for love. Finances are moving upward, job opportunity and recognition is coming your way. If you have been waiting for a promotion, things are likely to go in your favour.


There is financial growth & investment opportunity. Pay attention to practical details and set realistic goals to succeed. Money is coming your way in the form of a bonus or promotion, but you will have to put in more efforts and work harder. In love, wait for sometime before taking your relationship to the next level. Do not take any hasty decision regarding job change.


You will find yourself caught in a stalemate, middle of making a crucial decision and not knowing which side to choose. There is a need for balance in your relationships as your love life feels stuck and not moving forward. For couples, you must not ignore or overlook any existing problems, but speak clearly to find a solution. There are some job, career or employment led issues like you may have a choice to make between two jobs or career paths. Be rational with your money and consider all the facts before making any investment decision.


There could be a temporary financial hardship, loss, and emotional distress. In love, the person you love may not be feeling the same way. There could be a breakup or the feeling of sadness as a result of losing someone close. You may be feeling ignored by your partner. At work, there could be loss of a job or difficulty in finding a new job. It could also mean the stress in your current position, or you may be feeling left out at your workplace. Curb your expenses and spend wisely this month.


You will have a career, job, or business-led decision to make like taking a new job/career path or staying in the current job. New partnerships and beginning of a new project is indicated. If you have been planning to do something, now is the time to move forward. Your colleagues will be supportive. There will be financial stability, but you must explore the available opportunities. In love, work on strengthening your bond, take a break from the routine, infuse some excitement, and spend some quality moments with each other. For singles, a new romantic partnership is foreseen.


Invest time in planning for something you have been nurturing for some time. Be patient & do not expect instant results. If you have a decision to make, trust your intuition and follow your instincts. You & your partner may choose to keep a part of your life separate and focus on your individual routines. Do not overthink & give space to each other. Singles may have to wait for some time before they meet a potential partner. A guide or a mentor may help you make progress or advancement in your career or work. If you are nurturing an idea or your project is at the initial stage, do not share your plans with anyone.


You will be full of enthusiasm, energy & ready to put your plan into action. However, don’t rush into action without planning. Your relationship is set to move forward. You & your partner will put in efforts to make the relationship work. Spend some quality time together to strengthen your connection. There could be a job change or you may start a new venture. You will be full of confidence and determination to take on any challenges that may come your way. Projects will gain momentum. Money is coming in but be careful with your spending.


Invest time in planning for something you have been nurturing for some time. Be patient & do not expect instant results. If you have a decision to make, trust your intuition and follow your instincts. You & your partner may choose to keep a part of your life separate. Do not overthink & give space to each other. Singles may have to wait for some time before they meet a potential partner. A guide or a mentor may help you in your career. Be wary of sharing your ideas, or financial plans with anyone.


You will be dedicated & committed towards your work & relationships. If you have been working towards a goal, there will be accomplishment & your efforts will pay off. The efforts you have put into your relationship has help it grow & move forward. It could also mean that you are working hard towards achieving a financially secure future for your family. There could be a new job, starting a business where your skills will be put to use. Financially, there will be stability as a result of careful planning, focussed approach & hard work.


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