Here is the message the Tarot has for you for the week of July 13, 2020, giving you insights to make the most of your opportunities and guidance to face the challenges & obstacles.

Hold on to your money, but do not hoard. There will be a need for stability, firm social, and financial foundation. The tough times are over, and now your hard work and efforts will pay off; you will have enough money and material resources to feel content. However, your work commitments may take priority over your personal and family life.
You will be proud to show off what you have achieved and talk about how you have risen through the ranks. There will be a strong urge for material possessions and financial stability, even if it is at the cost of your emotions. This card says that do not get too busy holding onto your wealth & achievements that you cut yourself off from the rest of the world. In other words, don’t let what you have attained, to hold you back.
Your position at work will be secure. Maintain a check on your limiting beliefs and see what is stopping you from trying something new. Investments in home or property or a small business are indicated, and it may bring future dividends.
The Four of Pentacles can refer to hoarding, possessiveness, and resistance to let go of what you have. Either you or your partner may be acting possessive or controlling, which may hurt your relationship. One of you might be holding on to a grudge or an issue from the past, causing resentment. Remember, the fear of letting things go can lead to blockages and impediments in achieving your goals and prevent new things from happening. If you are single, do not hold yourself back from meeting someone new.
Ask yourself, what you might be holding onto to so tightly, and why?
This is a generic tarot reading to tell you about the collective energies & consciousness for the week of July 13-19.